jueves, 10 de febrero de 2011


Hi, girls.

Remember for next class you have to translate  in your notebooks the guidelines for making the context. This is very important to understand how to write the context.

Guidelines to write the context

1. Follow the guidelines for writing the project: length, margins, letter size, etc.

2. Write a key word or sentence outline to have a broad picture of what you need to write in the context.

3. Develop your ideas following the outline; make sure the organization of the text includes a paragraph per each main idea with supporting ideas and examples taken from your journal.

4. Be careful with language use: punctuation, capitalization, spelling, grammar tenses and all the language structures that may make your text confusing or inaccurate for the reader.

5. Regarding the content include all the information required by the reader to have a complete idea of your context: 

Students: number, gender, ages, socio-economic statues, attitude towards the TL (target language), study habits, proficiency level, interests, needs, learning styles; others: discipline, previous experiences with English.

6. Revise your text, use the rubric proposed and self-assess.

7. Ask a classmate of yours to revise your text, score it using the rubric and give you comments. (for doing in the seminar session)

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